I decided to start small with some pouches for herbs and small flowering plants. I have made a few larger ones but have not photographed them yet (I will soon). They add a nice little touch to any garden. You can directly plant your plants in the pouch or place a plastic or clay planter in the pouch itself. These pouches are holding peat pots with herbs...this works too. The pouches are made out of decorative outdoor canvas and lined with a layer of nylon to prevent leakage...
I directly planted these impatiens right in the the pouch...dirt and all. This pouch is made from outdoor canvas but it is not lined purposely so that the water can drain from the pouch and allows oxygen to flow. I also adde a chalk cloth tag to label the plant...
I've been thinking about adding these to Punkie Pie's Boutique Etsy shop. Leave a comment and let me know if this is this something you buy or use in your garden. Thanks!