Friday, November 7, 2008

Setting Up Shop

I'm finally getting somewhere with setting up my Etsy shop. I just finished creating my Etsy banner for my shop. I found the cutiest clipart from Crafty Chef Graphics that I've added to my logo for Punkie Pie's Boutique. Don't you just love it!

Here is a quick look at my Etsy banner that I made with the Crafty Chef's retro stove clipart using GIMP (GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages).

I'm justing learnin on how to use gimp so don't be too critical.

In just a couple more days I will have my first set of Retro aprons for sale on Etsy. In the mean time, you can check out some of my aprons on Flickr:

My creation

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