Monday, August 10, 2009

NYC Garment Distrcit ... Here I Come !

I'm very much looking forward to a day trip to New York City's Garment District with one of my best buds (you know who you are). My friend is on a hunt for some specialty fabrics where I am just going for the joy of going and have no particular need for anything. I'm sure once I get I step foot there I will have a "need". I've been past the Garment District several times but have never had the chance to visit. I have drooled over the number of shops and the awesome statue of the Garment District worker as we drove through the Garment District area on several occasions. So I can't wait to actually get there to see and touch all the fabric, notions and whatever other exciting things there to see there.

The New York Garment District

From what I have read ... The NYC Garment District, also known as the Fashion District, was originally fully retail, until the gradual moving of retailers uptown. What remained was wholesalers and warehouses.

The district is now home to a high concentration of garment and fabric manufacturers, wholesale distributors, designer studios, brokers and factory sales reps.

After a quick research online I have found the following places that interest me and will try to visit while we are there.

B&J Fabrics (High end fabrics - probably going to just look & feel the fabric in here. :))
M&J Trimming (All kind of trimmings - oh my!)
Steinlau and Stoller (Notions, and more notions. Can't wait to see this.)
Panda Threads (Threads, etc. - A store just for specialty threads - cool!)
The City Quilter (3,000 bolts of 100% cotton fabric!)
Paron Fabrics (I've read they have wonderfully discounted fabric)
Lazzara's Pizza (Ok, we need some place to eat .. heard it's the best thin crust pizza)

Lindsy T, of Lindsy T Sews (Again), has a blog totally dedicated to shopping in the NYC Garment District. Have a look, she has some great information here and you must see the wonderful clothes she has made!

Ta-Ta for now. I will be back soon with an update on our adventure to NYC's Garment District.

If you have any favorite fabric shops in the Garment District, please leave a comment with the name of the shop and I will try to pay a visit while there. Thanks!

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