Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy

With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas I find it hard to relax and enjoy all the things you have spent time making, baking, wrapping, crafting...or whatever it is you like to do to celebrate the holidays. So I try to snap photos as I go long so when I have the free time I can sit back, relax and enjoy the memories we have created with our family and friends.

As my kids get older I fear they will loose their excitement and Christmas spirit ... but so far I've been proven wrong (again)...

Christmas Morning...

Memories to be cherished forever!

Our House Decorated Outside for Christmas ...

This year our neighborhood civic association had a Christmas Light contest ... you probably all know I LOVE outside lighting so I was delighted to participate...Guess what - We WON!
Our house was one of the three winners this year!

We decorated the front of the house, side and back so it's really hard to get the full effect in photos.

Our Christmas Tree...
My daughter & son did all the decorating .. they did a wonderful job!

Some of our favorite ornaments...

Cookies ....

For more details on our Holiday Baking you can check out my cookie recipes here (I'll be back soon with recipes here)
Butter Cookies, Kolache, Apricot & Raspberry Pastries, Peppermint Bark, Homemade Marshmallow (Chocolate Cherry, Peppermint, Vanilla, and Toasted Cocounut)

My Family ...
Wishing you A Happy Holiday Season
An Awesome New Year to All !!

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