Monday, March 19, 2012

Cupcake Flower Bouquet

I have been in awe of cupcake flower bouquets for a long time now. This is my first attempt at making a cupcake flower bouquet. There are many, many tutorials and videos floating around on the internet. I will make a tutorial to share with you on my next bouquet. In the meantime, I used/followed this video from Fairytailcakes. The only change I made from the video was that I used a white Styrofoam ball with the plastic left on the ball to keep the cupcakes clean (the Styrofaom ball was wrapped in plastic at time of purchase). If you can't find one already wrapped in plastic, I would suggest wrapping the Styrofoam in foil or plastic wrap before adding your cupcakes to the bouquet. I used tissue paper as the filler for in between the cupcakes after I attached them to the Styrofoam ball.

I will be teaching a cupcake decorating class tonight to 30 girls who attend a local University. Our theme is Spring Flowers & Swirls. So I thought a few cupcake bouquets on the tables would be perfect for the girls to look at for inspiration on guidance when decorating their cupcakes.

One catch to the decorating class is that the cupcakes and frosting need to be kosher so all preparation needs to be done in the kitchen where the class will be taking place. I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to teach so I need to practice at home before the class. I really didn't want to make too much frosting or spend alot of time making cupcakes since these were just practice before tonight.

To save time, I made boxed angel food cake because you only need to add water to the mix. And it makes 36 cupcakes so lots cuppies to play with. And for the frosting I used canned frosting (eek!) and added powdered sugar to stiffen up the frosting. For each can of frosting I added a heaping 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. It wasn't perfect but it did the job for demonstration purposes.

If you have any tips or comments about cupcake flower bouquets,
please be sure to share with us!

1 comment:

  1. wow this is absolutely fantastic and the colours are beautiful
