I absolutely love decorating and cooking for Halloween. We decorate and light up our house, cook creepy and whimsical foods and treats and have friends over to celebrate before we trick-or-treat.
The house is decorated inside and out (has been for weeks), costumes are made and now I'm thinking of what treats to make for Monday Night.
Last year I hosted two big kid parties (one for my daughter and one for my son). For my daughter we had a Pink-O-Ween Halloween party and for my son just a regular o' creepy party.
Since I've been revisiting some past parties and recipes I thought I'd share some recipes and how-to's with you in the posts following this...
I'll be sharing with you:
RIP Graveyard Dirt Cakes
Recipe Here
Creepy Mouse Truffle Cookies
Recipe Here
Recipe Here
Pinky Finger Sandwiches
Recipe Here
Tickled Pink Punch
Recipe Here
Candy Corn Treat Bags
How-To Here
Happy Halloween!